Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflection of the year 2012

View of Annapurna Range from Nepal's site, Pokhara
A click from DHAN's field trial

At the end of 2012, the year 2013 is already knocking the door to enter into the life. This is a good occasion to sit down and reflect on the year 2012. My 2012 remained busy with significant field visits in South Asia, attending workshops, conferences, meetings and student seminars in Canada and South Asia. Most of my time in 2012 was spent travelling to Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, and Jharkhand and to different field sites in Nepal and I had small amount of time to spend in my offices in Winnipeg.
Project half yearly meeting at Coimbatore, India
The exciting part started from my engagement with the big IDRC/CIDA funded small millets revalorization project in South Asia through an initiative called Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF). My involvement with this mega project was later supplemented with the individual funding I secured from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada. 
Project team members and my supervisors after the meeting reception held at Guelph
At this juncture, I would like to thank my host universities (University of Manitoba and Canadian Mennonite University) in Winnipeg, donors (IDRC, CIDA and SSHRC) in Canada and the local partner organizations (LIBIRD in Nepal, DHAN Foundation in India and Arthacharya Foundation in Sri Lanka). Special thanks go to my supervisors Dr. Kirit Patel and Dr. Derek Johnson, the team members led by Dr. Kirit Patel, Canadian Mennonite, University, Winnipeg, Canada and Mr. M. Karthikeyan, DHAN Foundation, Madurai, India and Mr. Kamal Khadka, LIBIRD, Pokhara, Nepal.
Invited speaker at GCWA, New Delhi
Apart from being a member of the large project of revolarizing small millets in South Asia, in 2012, I conducted a survey among 210 households (140 in India and 70 in Nepal), 11 focus group discussions and some 25 individual in-depth interviews in the three project site. Data entry and data organization are underway, but at this point I can share the field observations on food security and wellbeing of smallholder farmers in South Asia in the context of labour out-migration. It will also enable me to guide myself for the year 2013, which I will be spending on data analysis, preparing research briefs, giving seminars and writing papers on the issues that I have observed in the field.
Meeting with DHAN colleagues at Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu
Based on my field visit in 2012, the preliminary observations or the outline of my work are mainly under the three themes: 1) public policy and food security of small holders, 2) Pathways of transmission of indigenous knowledge and its consequence in sustainable agricultural development, and 3) Gender roles and relations in the contemporary societal changes in rural South Asia. In all the three themes, wellbeing will be used as lens to look at the situation. As research is an evolving process, other themes and issues will be accommodated as and when discovered.
An interview session, Anchetty, Tamil Nadu
Research assistant at work: Survey interview session 

Some highlighted issues are that labour out-migration is one of the major livelihood strategies adopted by rural people; agricultural sector is becoming a neglected sector; youth’s orientation away from agriculture; decreasing livestock population leading to soil degradation; high objective wellbeing, but low subjective wellbeing among the people left behind by migrant workers; and changing women’s position due to migration of their husbands causes differences in gender roles and relations.
A click from LIBIRD's field trial
Finally, I would like to thank you, as a reader of my blog. I will keep updating with the new insights evolved during the process of data analysis. I wish you a new year full of new and interesting adventures in the year 2013!

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